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Google Ancient Places

The Google Ancient Places (GAP) project is inspired by two questions: How can I easily find (and view) all the places mentioned in a classical text? And how can I find classical texts about a place I am interested in? GAP is a Google-funded consortium that uses the latest text mining methods to semantically annotate references to ancient places in the Google Books corpus. Continue reading →

Google funds project investigating the geography of the ancient world

A University of Southampton led project, exploring how people of antiquity viewed the geography of the ancient world, has been backed by $50,000 of funding from Google, Inc. via its Digital Humanities Awards Program. Google Ancient Places (GAP) is developing a Web application which allows users to choose a classical text or book (500BC - 500AD) and then search for references to ancient places within it, presenting the results in a user-friendly interface. Continue reading →

Digital Economy lunch – Leif Isaksen

Leif Isaksen spoke about the Google Ancient Places and Pelagios projects at the Digital Economy USRG lunch. Leif has just completed his PhD in Electronics and Computer Science at Southampton and started a Research Fellowship focused on Digital Humanities. He will address issues surrounding the use of places as mediators to cross-disciplinary resources, with a focus on the ancient world. Continue reading →