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Portus Lecture

A lecture given by Professor Simon Keay that will link with the BBC television documentary with which he has been closely involved. The lecture will be chaired by Professor Don Nutbeam, Vice-Chancellor. Portus, the maritime port of Imperial Rome, was an entirely artificial creation and one of the great engineering feats of the ancient world. Recent work at the site has produced results that promise to change our understanding of the purpose of the port at different periods of antiquity. Continue reading →

2012 Social Networks Data Reveals Decline of Many

Since 2008 has been collecting stats on a very wide range of online social networks. Now for the fifth time they published their annual report, making available a wealth of valuable data. The 2012 report reveals that the Online Social Networks market seems to become increasingly saturated, with a few giants dominating the market whilst the vast majority sees a decrease in interest. Continue reading →

SotonDH @ Digital Humanities 2012 in Hamburg

This year's Digital Humanities conference ended this weekend and it was a great success. The entire event was perfectly organised by the University of Hamburg. They even anticipated rain by providing DH-branded umbrellas. There was a record number of delegates, presentations were of high quality and the social events were a reflection of its host city's image as a party capital and heimat of The Beatles. Continue reading →

sotonDH Small Grants: Painting a City with Sounds – An Audio Portrait of Southampton

Composing in the digital studio, I find objects from my surroundings to create virtual ʻinstrumentsʼ from urban and rural sources, machine and human. They are combined, transformed, augmented. Audio Portrait of a City is a an aural snapshot of a place in a time, the largest project of its kind anywhere. Using spoken word and field recordings, I am building a sonic snapshot of a year in Southampton, a vast soundscape stretching across the entire city. Continue reading →