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CAA2012 workshops

The first day of CAA2012 has been a great success. Lots of happy people at the workshops and lots of happy online chatter. The plenaries are about to begin and then its the opening reception, first at Highfield and then in the Old Town. Add your photos to our Flickr group: Continue reading →

Maritime Digital Humanities

To mark the launch of the Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute  on Tuesday we will be showcasing a range of sotonDH Maritime Digital Humanities projects. We have converted one of the multitouch systems installed around the University to show a series of interactive demos. Continue reading →

Connected Pasts over

The Connected Pasts symposium has universally been acclaimed as a fantastic success. Many congratulations to the organisers. Lots of activity in the twittersphere via #connectedpast #connectedpast Afternoon session on Personal Political & Migration networks starts with marriage network of Europes ruling families — John Layt (@odysseus_nz) March 25, 2012 Impressed by diversity and scope of #connectedpast papers. Excellent atmosphere for discussion. Continue reading →